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October 20, 2021


Saying Hello to

Saying Hello to

🌐 Saying Hello to

Our domain served us well but its time for a little change. Many of our eagle eyed customers might have noticed we rebranded to over the weekend.

It took us a bit to get this domain but we are officially swapping over. But don't worry. If you've shared links internally and with your customers, they will continue to redirect.

Now that is out of the way, exciting and long awaited features below! 👇

🌝 New & Improved

  • 🆕 Ability to re-order any component (severity, service, role, etc.) inside of Rootly. Now you can display what comes up first!
  • 🆕 Introduced a new events system for handling callbacks with third party integrations that dramatically improves reliability
  • 🆕 Made clearer in Slack that if you have more than 2 roles that there are more to be assigned
  • 💅 Refactored Confluence and Google Doc to generate prettier docs by default
  • 💅 Pinning items to incident timeline are based on when the message occurred instead of when it was pinned
  • 💅 Create incidents on Web without needing to attach a severity, all fields are now optional similar to Slack
  • 💅 Organizations with over 500+ PagerDuty/Opsgenie users now load faster in Slack when needing to manually escalate
  • 💅 New /rootly tutorial guidance for updating the incident summary
  • 💅 Pinning long messages with line breaks to incident timeline are formatted appropriately instead of one long string
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where using Functionalities weren't triggering playbooks consistently
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where postmortems written in Rootly occassionally didn't save correctly
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where our Workflows weren't checking conditions were satisfied after incident was resolved
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☎️ Live Call Routing

🤑 On-Call Pay Calculator

💓 Heartbeats: Continuous System Monitoring

🚨 Alert Grouping

🤓 Smart Defaults for Google Meet & Zoom

🧼 Redesigned Incident Announcement & Update Slack Blocks

💅 New Navigation Bar and Configuration UI

🥸 Sync On-Call Schedules with Slack User Groups

🕵️‍♀️ /rootly lookup: Find and Filter Recent Incidents in Slack

👯‍♀️ On-Call Shadowing

🔌 Generic Webhook Alert Source

🔒 Lock Individual Workflows

🐦‍⬛ Round Robin Escalation Policies

🚨 Alert Sources

🔔 Configurable On-Call Shift Reminders

🪄 Dynamic Forms

🔐 Granular Role-Based Access Control Settings for On-Call

✉️ Emails as an On-Call Alert Source

🗓️ View Multiple On-Call Schedules Together

🤝 Partial Shift Overrides in Rootly On-Call

🏗️ Terraform + API Support for Rootly On-Call

🦉 Rootly x Thena Integration

🎬 New Full Platform Tour on

🔦 Drop-down Search in Escalation Policy Builder

🦊 GitLab Integration