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August 28, 2022


🕵️On-Call Schedule Owners & Gap Finder

🕵️On-Call Schedule Owners & Gap Finder

🕵️On-Call Schedule Owners & Gap Finder

When you rely on 24/7 coverage in your on-call schedule, an unexpected gap in coverage can have a huge impact on your time to respond, ultimately burning trust internally and with customers. Without a plan for identifying and closing schedule gaps, you could be left high and dry in the event of a scheduling mistake or an unexpected team member departure.

Unless you’re using Rootly On-Call, that is. We’ve built in gap finding functionality so that if you specify a schedule as needing 24/7 coverage, Rootly will auto-assign any gaps in coverage to the Schedule Owner, and notify them of the gap that was detected. From there, they can cover the shift without taking additional action, or create an override for another team member to cover.

The role of Schedule Owner is automatically assigned to whoever creates the schedule, but can be changed at any time by editing the schedule (select On-Call Schedules from the left side menu and select the schedule you want to edit). Gap Finder can be enabled for any On-Call schedule by toggling the “This schedule needs 24/7 coverage.” option in the desired schedule.

🌝 New & Improved

🆕 Upgraded Rootly Terraform Provider to v2.1.0 with added workflow task resources.
🆕 On-call shift reminders can now be configured so your on-call personnels are reminded in advance of their activity duty.
💅 On-Call rotations can now be configured with unique active time range on a per day basis.
💅 List Incidents API can now be used to filter for only private incidents.
🐛 Fixed missing unit of measurement in Slack for workflows with a configured time delay.
🐛 Fixed minor display issue on Incident Variable Explorer.

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