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November 9, 2021


Quick Start Shortcuts

Quick Start Shortcuts

⚡Quick Start Shortcuts

We are introducing a faster way to get started with Rootly.

Whenever you type /rootly and hit enter, we will populate the most popular shortcuts to help you get started.

The command is context aware and will show different results depending on what channel you are in.

Running /rootly in non-incident channels


Purposefully designed to help you create incidents faster and learn about Rootly.

  • Create Incident - declare an incident
  • All Commands - all available /rootly commands to pick from
  • Open Tutorial - getting started guide
  • Learn More - custom redirect to your 1-pager otherwise goes to

Running /rootly in incident channels


Purposefully designed to help you manage and move incidents along after they've been declared right at your finger tips.

  • Add Summary - periodically summarize the latest customer impact
  • Escalate - directly page someone on e.g. PagerDuty, OpsGenie
  • Resolve - mark the incident as resolved
  • Update Incident - edit incident attributes such as severity or service impact
  • All Commands - all available /rootly commands to pick from

🌝 New & Improved

  • 🆕 Introduced suite of new tools that monitors and tests Slack app functionality that alerts us even earlier
  • 🆕 Page a team via PagerDuty or Opsgenie through Workflows whenever a team is added to the incident
  • 🆕 Custom redirect for any Learn More button inside of Rootly (e.g. to your internal 1-pager)
  • 🆕 Select incident causes from the Postmortem tab even if you have a Confluence or Google Docs integrated
  • 💅 Improved method to remove Workflows from database record when users requests deletion
  • 💅 Faster paging via VictorOps that requests one less call to their API
  • 💅 Renamed Genius to Workflows inside of the incident overview section
  • 💅 Improved test coverage for when a Workflow fails and outputs error to user and notifies us via Sentry
  • 💅 Updated walk-through content on /rootly tutorial
  • 💅 Update branding for Google Docs integration inside of Slack
  • 💅 Renamed the project management integration Clubhouse to Shortcut
  • 💅 Added incident title to your Chrome tab instead of the generic incidents label, easier to browse with multiple Rootly tabs open
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where Slack channel not notified if Confluence or Google Doc callback misfires
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where Confluence did not load all pages when encountering > 100 space keys
  • 🐛 Fixed typo for importing Confluence playbooks
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where auto resolve task in Workflows would be inconsistent
  • 🐛 Fixed issue where alerting tools like PagerDuty would occasionally post duplicate alerts in the alerts channel
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Incident Variable Explorer Integration - Component & Template Support

Sandbox Environments

Rollbar Integration

Beautiful Incident Timeline Pages

Manage Workflows via API, Terraform, and Pulumi

Customizable Incident Metrics

Microsoft Teams Integration

Microsoft Azure Active Directory SSO Integration

Backstage Integration

Linear Integration

Workflow Versioning

Incident Feedback

Retroactively Create Incidents and Modify Timestamps

Pulumi Provider for Rootly

Notion Integration


Custom Fields

Automatically Schedule Postmortem Reviews

Auto Create Incidents from Any Alert

Terraform Provider for Rootly

Get Support From Rootly in Slack

Bookmark Anything in Incident Slack Channel

Convert Existing Channels to Rootly Incidents

Incident Preview